How to quickly write a basic essay - faster and better

By: Wade45

Before you start writing, do your research and validate your thesis. Learn as much as you can about the topic you plan to write about. It’s always easier to write about what you know. You may need to amend your thesis as you learn more about the topic. Chances are you have course material such as textbooks, scholarly papers, etc. that you can use to research your topic. Stay away from non-peer reviews sources such as Wikipedia or random internet articles, which are not tolerated in academics.

Sometimes it’s helpful to sketch an outline of your paper. As a general rule, it should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

The Introduction
Introduce your audience to the topic you are writing about. Write as if you are speaking to laypersons, or those not in your field of study. Give background information and build the case for why you are writing. You're not trying to convince anyone of anything here - just teach your audience a little bit about the topic.

What’s a thesis statement?
Your thesis is the sentence that sums up the point you are trying to make in your essay. Think of it as the case you are trying to make; you are trying to convince the reader of the truth of your thesis. The thesis statement usually comes toward the end of your introduction and right before the body of your paper. The person grading your paper will be looking for a strong thesis and supporting information to back it up. Ideally, it should catch the reader's attention and make him or her want to continue reading. Try to phrase it in an interesting way.

The Body
Here is where you make the case for your thesis. Write in paragraph form and start from the basics. Build your argument with supporting information; the more facts and evidence you can present in support of your thesis, the stronger your argument will be. The goal is to unequivocally convince someone that your thesis statement is true.

Use peer-reviewed research papers and publications from authoritative sources and cite those sources. Remember that you are using the scientific method as you prepare your defense of your thesis. Do not say what you think or offer your opinion, but say the evidence supports this, or these scholars believe such and such. As a student writing an essay, you are not the expert. Your job is to aggregate and digest a lot of information from people who are experts.

Organize the body section into several main points that support your argument. It's very important to cite your sources, otherwise you're just repeating here-say. If you are stating a fact that's unique to your field of study and cannot offer any reliable verification that it's true, do not include it in your paper.

If you need help writing or developing some of your arguments, there are services such as that help students write better essays.

The Conclusion
The body should be the longest portion of your essay, and the conclusion should re-state your main point in condensed form. Sometimes when reading something that is very long, it's hard to comprehend everything. Re-stating the main points in the conclusion will help solidify the reader's understanding of the material.