Whether you are a college student with a backpack full of textbooks at the end of the semester, a professional book flipper that makes a living buying and selling textbooks online, or just someone looking for a deal, we've got you covered. With all the vendors we have in our system, you are sure to find a good offer or a great deal. You've searched so many ISBNs that we've had to get a bigger database to hold all of them! The more books you search the happier we are!
Textbook arbitrage is buying and immediately reselling textbooks for a profit.
This is what a "book flipper is". They buy a book from one vendor, and then they turn around and sell it to another vendor for a profit.This can be very lucrative and there are lots of tutorials online about how to make hundreds or even thousands every month flipping textbooks.We created our bulk isbn search tool to help those looking to make a profit buying and selling textbooks.You can enter a list of up to 500 ISBNs at once, hit submit, and when we're done pulling all the price data, we'll email you a link to your report.Others charge for this service, but we provide it absolutely free in hope that you'll continue to use BookTrapper!
For every ISBN you submit, we'll pull all the buyback and purchase prices, compute how much you can make on each one, and display them all in a list with 'Buy' and 'Sell' buttons.We also sort them by how much you can make. So the most profitable arbitrage opportunities are at the top.This is often call 'Book Scouting' or 'Book Flipping'. We help you find the most profitable books to sell.
Download our mobile book scanner app for IOS or Android, and start searching prices. If you have physical books lying around, with our app there is no need to enter the ISBNs manually. Just tap 'Scan', and you'll have your buyback offers as soon as we finish searching!
Whether you are buying, purchasing or renting, you can do it all in our app. We make switching between offer types super easy! You don't have to type in the ISBN again. Just tap another button at the bottom, and the app will know what to do!
Books sell for more money if they are in high demand. Book buyback companies can make more money off these books, so they pay you more. High end textbooks, law books, science, and engineering books are going to sell for the most money. These are some of the higher value titles that have been searched on BookTrapper.
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
ISBN: 9780134570051
Family Law, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series)
ISBN: 9781609304102
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set
ISBN: 9780323482554
Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
ISBN: 9780134605463